How to Make Your Own Electrolyte Water
You may be thinking that consuming electrolytes is as easy as drinking sports drinks like Gatorade. Think again! Many of these common electrolyte drinks are full of added sugars and toxic food dyes. A healthier approach is to make your own electrolyte water.
Kick Seasonal Allergies to the Curb with These 5 Strategies
April showers may have brought May flowers, but they also brought the return of dreaded seasonal allergies. With tree pollen in the air, perhaps you’re finding yourself bogged down by a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and the general fatigue that accompanies seasonal allergies. Well, it’s time to give your immune system a bit of extra support!
Recover From Injuries Faster - Here’s How
After sustaining an injury, most people find that their patience is quickly tested as they begin the road to recovery. Healing after an injury can be a long process, but there are ways to accelerate recovery and ensure a safe “re-entry” into regular movement. Read on for 5 ways to recover faster and more fully from an injury.
Can Chiropractic Help Your Thyroid?
Your thyroid is an incredibly important gland in your body. Shaped like a butterfly, it’s located in the front of your neck and is responsible for controlling how your body produces and uses thyroid hormones. Thyroid dysfunction is increasingly common these days, particularly among women, although men can be affected as well.
Spring Clean Your Kitchen: 5 Items to Ditch for a Healthier You
It’s the season for cleaning and we are here for it, especially when it comes to tidying up our diets and lifestyles. With the advent of spring comes new energy, more sunlight, and the reappearance of color in our landscape (hallelujah!). Use this season to make some healthy changes in your life by ditching some not-so-great stuff and replacing it with health-supportive swaps.
Turn Your Home into a Gym with 3 Simple Pieces of Equipment
When it comes to getting fit, gyms and fitness studios are a great place to build strength, break a sweat, and discover types of fitness that you love. But if getting to a local gym isn’t possible for you, no problem! With some creativity and a willingness to show up, you can get fit in your own home with very minimal equipment.
Build a Better Breakfast in 3 Easy Steps!
We’re big time foodies at Spine & Wellness Co, which means that we’ll happily enjoy any and every opportunity for a healthy meal! When it comes to eating for wellness, breakfast can often pose the most challenges…
Is Your Nervous System Stressed?
At Spine & Wellness Co, you may notice that we talk an awful lot about the nervous system. This week, we’re diving into why!
5 Detoxifying Foods to Enjoy This Spring
‘Tis the season for spring cleaning. And that includes cleaning out the gunk from our diets and filling them with detoxifying, nourishing foods! As we head into the refreshing season of spring, now is the perfect time to fortify your diet with foods that support your body’s ability to cleanse.
Here are our type 5 favorite foods that support detoxification–and taste good too!
Practical Ways to Improve Your Posture
There’s much more to good posture than simply standing up straight. Postural health is an important part of your long-term wellness. Whether you are sitting, standing, bending, lifting, or sleeping, learning how to maintain proper posture will serve you well in preventing injuries and pain.
How to Clear Up Congestion Naturally
Staying well through the winter can be challenging with so many coughs, colds, and flus circulating around our communities. If congestion from a winter illness has you bogged down–or if you pick up a spring cold in the months ahead and just can’t shake that plugged up feeling–we’re here to help!
Increase Your Hip Mobility with These 3 Exercises
Hips are an often overlooked part of an exercise routine. You use them every single day in dozens of ways that you likely don’t even think about. If you’ve ever experienced hip pain before, you know just how debilitating it can be and how intensely it can affect everyday movements like getting up out of a chair or simply walking to the mailbox.
5 Anti-Aging Foods to Stock in Your Kitchen
When it comes to aging, there’s no way to stop it, but there are plenty of ways to age gracefully and in good health! Eating healthy and getting daily exercise are the best strategies for living a long, healthy life and feeling great well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond.
4 Lifestyle Strategies for a Healthy Heart
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this is the perfect time of year to put the spotlight on heart health. According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, heart disease is the leading cause of death for people in the United States. About 697,000 people in the United States died from heart disease in 2020—that’s 1 in every 5 deaths.
While these statistics may appear grim, the good news is that many heart-related conditions are highly preventable or, at the very least, manageable with lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. In other words, take good care of your heart and it will take care of you!
How to Protect Your Back When Shoveling Snow
With winter upon us, we’re deep into the dreaded season of shoveling snow. Snow can be deceptively heavy, especially the really wet stuff. One of the most common complaints we hear from patients this time of year is, “Help! I threw out my back shoveling snow.” To keep your spine healthy and pain free this season, follow these tips for shoveling safely!
A Crash Course in Chiropractic
Have you ever wondered what a chiropractor does, exactly? The simplest answer, of course, would be that we adjust the back and spine. But there’s actually a lot more to it than that. This week we’re taking a bird’s eye view of chiropractic to give you an overview of what we do and how we do it!
5 Need-to-Know Meal Prep Hacks
Eating healthy is all about setting yourself up to be successful. No one makes good choices when they’re hungry, tired, or have no healthy food on hand in the house. To set yourself up for a super healthy 2023 filled with good food that nourishes your body, add these awesome meal prep hacks into your cooking routine to make your life simpler!